Sunday, September 2, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Peanut Butter Popcorn

Pretend instead of eggs and smoothies we are eating Peanut Butter Popcorn
When I go back to my parent's house to visit, it feels like home. However, in many ways it is not at all like the home I grew up in. It's transitioned from a home of raising kids to one of raising grandkids. For example, there is a pantry and fridge full of snacks and other quick food. Growing up there was none of that. So now that I am again living in a home of raising kids I struggle to find the snack food that I crave sometimes (that is a compliment to Rachel, by the way. So the other day I had to stretch my creative thinking skills and and use what I had to make a satisfying snack. Since then it has become a family favorite and one that we make for others or when we have friends over. It's called Peanut Butter Popcorn and the recipe is included here (The only difference is I used brown sugar instead of plain sugar):
Peanut Butter Popcorn
makes about 8 cups
1/4 cup popcorn kernels
Vegetable oil
Fine salt
1/2 cup honey
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter (should be free of added sugar)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Have a clean paper shopping bag or oversized mixing bowl ready.
Heat a 4-quart heavy pan over medium heat and film the bottom with vegetable oil. When the oil is hot but not smoking, add the popcorn, shake to distribute, then put a lid on the pan, leaving a small crack for steam to escape. When the first kernel pops, put the lid on all the way. As the popcorn starts popping, shake vigorously to make sure the kernels are distributed evenly. When the popping slows to a few seconds between pops, take the pan off the heat.
Pour the popcorn into the paper bag or bowl to cool, and attempt to leave any unpopped kernels behind in the pan. (Coated with peanut butter caramel, the unpopped kernels are a serious tooth hazard). Lightly salt the popcorn to taste.
Mix the honey and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for about 2 minutes, then remove from the heat and add the peanut butter. Stir vigorously until all the peanut butter is melted, then mix in the vanilla.
Immediately pour the peanut butter caramel over the popcorn and stir with a long-handled wooden spoon until it's all coated. Let cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.
• This recipe will also cover one standard bag of microwave popcorn, so you can substitute that for the stovetop popcorn if you wish.
• This keeps well overnight. If you want the gooeyness of freshly made popcorn, though, warm a bowl of leftover popcorn in 15-second bursts in the microwave until slightly warm and soft.
• As noted in the comments, some people prefer adding something spicy, like Sriracha, in lieu of the vanilla

Monday, August 27, 2012

My Brother, Kimball

It's hard to describe my brother Kimball to people. When I got married he was living in South America and my attempt to describe him to my wife wasn't very good (I would find out later). The best way to know Kimball is to experience him. So here he is. Sorry for it being sideways.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This Little Piggy Went "Weeee, weeee, weeeee" All The Way Home

One of the many reasons that I love Rachel is that she always finds solutions to problems. While others would be embarrassed, lack creativity, or just give up, she will make it work. 

We recently sold our van (cough*to Insurance Auto Auction after it broke down*ahem) and now use nothing but bikes, buses and boots. We are actually enjoying it and have been planning it for a while.

Farewell Kia. You got us across the country and then left us there.
Well, tonight I had our weekly ward youth activity at the church building and decided to take Hannah with me. However, Rachel wanted to go grocery shopping and take Heber and Olive. That meant that she would need the buggy and since the baby seat is difficult to detach from her bike we wondered how to make it work. That's when her problem solving skills kicked in.

Different day, but same set up for Rachel
She remembered the little baby carrier we had (for infants) and suggested I put Hannah in it. Though feeling a little silly, I did it...for the family's sake. But Hannah loved it!! She was flapping her arms like a bird, yelling "weeeeee" like the last little piggy and just talking my ear off. I just pedaled with a bug cheesy smile on my face as people we rode by stared. It was a success to say the least. And Rachel made pulling 2 kids and picking up a weeks worth of groceries from 3 stores look easy.

This little piggy went "Weeee, weeee, weeeee" all the way home.