Monday, July 27, 2015

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dream House

Last summer I painted a picture of my dream house. Just to clarify, I painted this picture BEFORE I ever set eyes on our current home.

We were on the prowl for a home and I definitely wanted a home I would LOVE. So I painted my dream house and the search for our home continued. It became apparent that getting any home, much less the one I loved, was going to be difficult. We made three offers on homes a few thousand above asking prince and they were all out bid. In hind sight I am SO grateful that we did not get those because lastly we came across our dream house. It fit all our criteria (square footage, proximity, yard size, etc.). 

We bought it up and haven't looked back since. The last 7 months since we moved in have been full of home projects, firstly being painting the outside of our home. I love that my prayers and dream have come true.! I LOVE our new home!!!

House Before/After

Kitchen & Dining Room Makeover

Kitchen Dining Room Before

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Renovation Realities!

We made it onto a TV show called Renovation Realities!!! Yeah!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


When children get together with there friends it looks like a day care. That what happens when to big families get together. So much fun!