Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Moving/ Baby Sitting

This weekend I got to take care of my nephews (McKay & Brandi's Kids) while Talmage, Lincoln, Art, Dad Hansen, Jacob, Lindsey, and Joesph moved all our stuff to our new house. Ok, I helped unpack, really I just told everyone where everything went. I don't think that it could have gotten done with out every one's help, especially Joesph who brought his big ol' trailer that the majority of the stuff was haled with.
My nephews are such characters and here are some of the highlights of the weekend. Bennet is almost two and basically the only thing he says is "nah, nah". When he wants something (which is all the time), he says this and gives this longing look in his eyes that says, "Please give me what I want." Then I would guess and finally when I get it right his eyes would light up and he would clap his little hands. Oh, he also knows the words more (if you could only see how much this guy can drink), mama and dada.
Brady and especially Boe where quick to tell me that they didn't do this or that. "We don't say prayers before breakfast (or lunch or before bed), only dinner." When ever I would sing, which is something I do a lot, they would adamantly tell me to stop as if my singing was the most horrible sound in the world. Finally, I asked them what type of music they liked and they said "Boy music" showed me what it was like by yelling and screaming and jumping around.
I brought them to the park and after playing for a while Boe came up to me and this is the dialog between us (Brady and Rachel):
B: "Rachel, Rachel, I have to go to the bathroom, number two." (Said in a cute whinny voice)
R: "If we leave the park then we are going to stay home and play and not come back to the park"
He went on and played to 30 more minutes.
B: "I have to go to the bathroom." (cute whinny voice)
R: "OK, lets go."
B: "Then are we not coming back?" (Look of concern)
R: Yep
He went back to play for 15 min. Then he decided that it was time for him to go home. The funny thing is that when we got home he didn't go to the bathroom, 10 min. later I ask,
R: "Didn't you have to go to the bathroom Boe."
B: "Oh, my goodness" (Look of panic as he darts to the bathroom)
The look was a classic.


  1. ok Auntie Rachel, here are the spellings of my precious's.... Beau, Braden (Brady), & Bennett.

    Thanks for all your help with the kids this weekend. They said that they had a great time.
    If you need any help with moving, unpacking, painting, furniture arranging, let me know! See you soon neighbor!

  2. That is too funny. Kids forget that they need to go potty and then go in their pants... because they couldn't remember that is why they came inside.
