Tuesday, January 20, 2009


After reading the last post I posted I feel sad because I forgot to metion how wonderful and helpful Talmage was during the whole labor and delivery. Oh and prenancy and postpartum.
During my pregnancy he would get up in the middle of the night to get me a drink of water or snacks. He would carry my heavy bag around for me at school along with his heavy bag. He massaged my back when it was killing me from caring the babies. Ok, the list could go on forever. He was helpful and I am so thankful.
During labor and delivery he timed my contractions. He was so cute with his stop watch, telling me the timing. He kept bringing me wet hot towels that I laid on my belly and which helped to keep my body relaxed so that the contractions didn't hurt as bad. He helped coach me through my pushes. Ok, again the list could go on and on.
My point. I think he should get an award. I couldn't have done it without him. He is amazing and I don't think that I can tell him enough.
Ok. I hope this was not to mushy for a blog, but oh well.

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