Friday, September 17, 2010

Constitution Day

On September 17, 1787 the Constitution of the United States was signed. This short video was made by the Heritage Foundation. They are a think tank of valuable research and support for the founding principles of our country. Visit if you want to see for yourself and learn more about what they are about. Just between you and me, I'd like to do an internship in Washington D.C. in summer 2011. I figure if we go to school on the east coast we'll be over there anyway. Well if you didn't know today is Constitution Day, now you do.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Question: How is it that you're not getting eaten alive by the world?

At church, the men in elder's quorum where telling each other their jobs titles. One man mention that his wife thought Talmage was an FBI agent, maybe because they didn't know what he does. He told them that he was a full time student. Still doesn't explain income though. So how are we not getting eaten alive?
1. Tithing

  • First and foremost, I know that without The Lord we could not afford to make it.
2. Income
  • Talmage's Work: Talmage worked for Renaissance Sciences Corporation this summer for an internship, he also has worked as an engineering technician elsewhere. Sometimes he works while going to school, sometimes he has too much on his plate to do that.
  • Air Force Reserve: He also is in the Air Force Reserve, where he works one weekend a month and two weeks a year (normally sometime during the summer).
  • School Funding: The GI Bill or Tuition Assistance (both through the Air Force), Scholarships, Student Loans and Grants pay for his tuition, books, etc.
3. Spending Wisely
  • Budget: I think we both are pretty good about not overspending and our budget helps us even more. Talmage normally puts everything into the budget form our online statements.We keep track of everything we earn, save and spend here.
Just a bird's eye view of our monthly budget
  • Google Docs: We keep track of our budget on Google docs, it makes it so both of us can see the most updated form of our budget at any given time.\
  • Food and More Budget: This include groceries, toiletries, cleaning supplies, etc. Although we keep track of Food and More in our monthly budget, I keep track of a more detailed budget of it.
Bird's eye view of monthly our Food and More budget.

I am not sure if this is what the person meant by getting eaten alive by the world. I assumed they meant how do we make it by finacially. Although, I know people who are financially wealthy and could be considered being eaten alive by the world in other aspects of there life. If I didn't quite answer your question please let me know.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Extra Treat

I've kept my word this week, a post a day. I did an extra post for you today. Enjoy!

Q: Are you having another baby!!!!

Yes, I am pregnant! I didn't really put forth any effort to tell anyone, sorry if you haven't heard yet. I am seventeen weeks along. I am due January 14th.

I have an ultrasound this Thursday. I'll find out if our baby is a boy or a girl. I've been thinking it was a boy from the git-go but will see how wacked my instincts are.

I am happy and excited for our next little one!

Sleeping Babies

Heber and Hannah fell asleep on the way to Globe monday. I just thought these pictures where too cute to keep to myself.


Hannah is bottomles because:
  • If it wasn't for a diaper, you won't be able to see her back side. Just her precious chicken legs

  • She can eat a lot. She is a bottomless pit. She can even eat more then me! Where does she put it?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All Ears

I got two similar questions:

Q: How did you add this all ears thing?

Q: How do you make a question/comment box? Is it a poll type Gadget?

I got my All Ears question box by googling Wufoo and searching around their site. I asked my SIL, Jana, how she got hers and she told me just that, google Wufoo. It took a little bit of looking and then I found it. The questions come to my email.

Thank you to everyone that has given me questions!!! It's made blogging more fun and I am sure you like it more too! Keep up the good work!