Saturday, August 1, 2009

Capstone Project

Right now I am trying to finish some stuff for school that I should have finished a long time ago. It is a few porfolios, eight to be exact and a final exam for to incompleted classes. I can't believe that I have let them loom over my had this long, I really need to bulk down. Don't get me wrong, I have worked on them but just not enough.
Oh by the way, I never showed off my capstone project from last semester. Here is a prototype of our helicopter landing platform. It is supposed to be mounted to a ship and counter the movements of the ship so that it stays flat, making it easier for a helicopter to land on.


  1. what makes it move like that? a remote?

  2. It is controlled by a program we wrote on the computer. You can see the computer to the right of it in the video.
