Sunday, September 9, 2012

More Fingers

During the last game of my junior year of football I hurt my ankles pretty bad. I have had problems with them ever since. They just don't seem to fully heal and I will often re-injure them, mostly while playing basketball. But lately I have become more proactive about them and have started to take steps toward making them strong again.

One video in particular was very helpful. Of the many things that were said, one that I took away was to strengthen my feet by walking barefoot more. Additionally, barefoot shoes (as they are often called) can help to strengthen feet. So to make a long story short I got myself a pair of Vibram FiveFinger TrekSports. Saturday I took them on a hike up to the summit of Dragon's Tooth and walked around Blacksburg. I'll let the pictures tell the rest.


  1. The last one almost looked real except for the stroller wheel...ya fired!

  2. so funny. were those all inside jokes or do I get it?

  3. You remind me of some kind of reptile with your gangly legs and staring eyeballs. You're a character.

  4. I'm sure you "get it."

    That reminds me when I was younger and used to go to smart-kid summer school. There was this brother and sister in the class who were the smartest of the smart. One day they were walking around asking people if they "get" Jay Leno as in understand the humor. I thought they meant do I get a reception of the channel that Jay Leno is on. So confidently I responded, "pshh of course." Then they were like "He's so hilarious, huh?" Still confused by it all, I agreed.
