Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm Pregnant!

I am pregnant! I am eight weeks along and due July 30th. Doesn't that seem so far away?
Two lines pregnant, one line not.
Heber and Hannah were sung happy birthday to during primary. After the song Hannah announced, "Yeah, and now I am four years old! And my mommy has a baby in her stomach!"

Anytime we mention the baby to Olive she points to her belly and sternly declares, "No! My baby! My baby!"


  1. Congratulations again! I cannot wait to meet the new Hansen :)

  2. You're going to need a bigger bike! Congratulations!

  3. Donna is so tech savvy recently. "I say yes!"

    That is big news! yay! Maybe Olive can get a Pickle?

  4. Donna, my besty here in Virginia, not Aunt Donna.

  5. Oh, okay. That makes sense. Looks like I had too much herbal tea in me last night, judging by my comment.

    Thanks for the clarification, Talmage. Although, this does bring up another question... ??

  6. Say whops. I wrote that last comment under Tally's name.

  7. haha she said say whoops. thats neat.

  8. Congrats you guys! We are due with #3 July 9! Calvin swears that there is a baby in his tummy and he can see his baby and my baby through our belly buttons. Niran never came up with anything like that, I love it!
