Monday, August 12, 2013

What's in a name? Part II

So I kept thinking that our baby seemed like a wise spirit and needed a strong name. I kept thinking that Emerson was a better fit. But I was reluctant because it was so long and I didn't want anyone calling him Emmie for short.

Talmage was definitely Team Dewey. But as the last week rolled by my will for Emerson was stronger. We were still conflicted as I went into labor. At that point Talmage said that I could have it my way. The midwives later commented that he was a wise man to not push it at that point. So when we filled out the birth certificate hours after birth it said "Emerson Dewey".

However, he later convinced me on Dewey Emerson and we changed it on his birth certificate paperwork three days after. I am not bitter at all and Dewey Emerson does feel right. I feel like Emerson reflects him more, but middle names can hold a special spot in in one's heart.

So yes, Talmage wears the pants in our relationship. And yes, three out of four of our children have names that come from his side. And that is all fine with me. He has promised me though that I get to pick our next and last two children's names. 


  1. So what are Dewey's nick names so far?

    1. We are tight we the office ladies at our apartment complex. They are very friendly and were always curious about when he was coming. Sometime before he came they told Rachel that he was like the royal baby for the complex. Since we live in Canterbury Courts, he has become "The Dewk of Canterbury".
      Also, Dewberry (civil engineering company I once interviewed with). That's all for now.
