Monday, September 14, 2015

Sweet Dewey

Today I was cleaning the kitchen while listening to an audio-book. Sweet little Dewey came and tapped me on the leg (like he always does so sweetly when he needs something) and extended his arms. I picked him up expecting for him to plead for me to do his bidding. But no. He hugged me sweetly and patted me on the back. I loved it so much especially the pat. Then he broke away and I thought, "OK here it comes. He's going to ask me for crackers or water..." But no. Instead he gave me a sweet Dewey-kiss on the lips and then another hug. I felt so loved.

1 comment:

  1. You're slowly coming back. Come on guys. You can do it. You can delight us with all the adorable things your family does and says. I hear Olive does a really great, "Actually".
