Sunday, May 19, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Overheard: One for Each Kid

The other night I taught the 12 year old Boy Scouts about Personal Fitness for the second week in a row. They are good kids, but it's such an eye opening experience working with them. It's hard to believe that a rather short time ago I was one of these rowdy, immature and sometimes weird young men.
Afterward, I was talking with Rachel about it and came to the conclusion that if our kids were weird and immature it would be because of their weird dad and certainly not their mother. Shortly after I caught myself once again being my weirdo self (I think I was referring to Olive by her new nickname, Goos Mung Wong Shin Tsao Li) and exclaimed: "No! My kids are going to be weird!"
A few minutes later, a teary-eyed Hannah was walking toward our room.

Me: What's wrong Hannah?
Hannah (in the verge of a breakdown): I don't wanna be weird.


Olive, running naked after a bath: I coldie! I coldie!

Happens almost every bath.


I took Heber with me to play basketball Saturday morning at the church. We got there a little early so I started teaching him how to play defense. Later, I started playing ball and Heber kept calling for me from the sidelines to tell me something. I kept telling him to wait until we were done, thinking he was just being a needy little kid. Finally it got to be too much and I asked the guys if they could stop while I addressed Heber's concern. He quietly reprimanded my defense:

Heber: Dad you're not blocking them.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day to Our Mothers!!!

Hopefully you're not tired of our videos this week because we have a couple more for you.

Happy Mother's Day to Claudia!!!

Happy Mother's Day to Susan!!!

Thanks to all the women in our life who mother us, to our moms, grandmas, aunts, sisters, and sisters-in-law. Happy Mother's Day to all of you!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Swing batter batter swing
Warm up and stretching with team
Heber got to play pitcher which doesn't consist of actually pitching but it does consist of getting the ball a lot.  He was so quick at getting the ball so many times. And each time we kept yelling at him to through it to a base. But he would just lift it in the air triumphantly and smile.
More Dugout
The week before he got to play pitcher for an inning as well. He wasn't very focused and kept turning in circles. He started turning faster and faster. I was getting nauseous just watching him. Then it dawned on me that he might need to go to the bathroom.  So I pulled him out and it wasn't a second too late.
Grabbing snack after game
Most importantly, he is having a lot of fun and seems to enjoy playing T-ball.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hannah's Half-Day of Work as an Engineer with Dad

It's amazing how much time we spend at work. A less demanding job might require 40 hours a work, while others even more. I usually leave the house before our kids wake up, so I see only them in the evening for 2-3 hours before they go to bed. Sometimes when they catch me in the morning they'll ask why I have to go to work? Well this day I decided to show Hannah what I do and took her along for the afternoon.

Finishing up her Plans as she sips her water
Doing some additional research
This was her rough sketch which her boss then red-lined. Can you see a building, tree, road, flower garden, sky, etc.?
Then we beefed up her design to make it more presentable to her clients.
And her personal escort and treat after a hard day of work.