Thursday, March 20, 2008

Relief Society

My strategy for being in a new ward is:
lay low and don't make any comments during class

That was going ok until: (horror music in the background)
I was in Relief Society in my new ward. The teacher for class asked us what the fourth article of faith was. No one answered and after much time elapsed I finally gave in. I know, I know... but what else could I do. I recited the fourth article of faith. ...silence... I think I heard the soft chirp of crickets. Then one of the ladies humorously said in defense "That is because she just came out of primary!"

We were all rolling.


  1. I'm proud of you Rachel. You should speak up and make comments often. I'm speaking from experience as a R.S. teacher.

  2. Rachel, I'm way proud. Welcome to Relief Society! Love Lisa Skousen
