Thursday, March 4, 2010

The rest of the story

So the rest of my birthday happening. Because I know your dying to know. We ended up leaving the seminar a little early. The lady was saying all obvious stuff and it was really boring. Talmage took me out to Chipotle and then Jamba Juice. Two places that I really like.
Erin and Taylor watched the kids. Hannah throw up on the way to their house. One or twice while at her house. Erin was so helpful and gave her two baths and even blow dried her hair. And since her car seat had throw up all over it I held her on the way home and she throw up all over me and her. Poor thing little girl.
Now I have the flu bug and I think that Nikki's blog sums up my feelings. Her blog is not open to the public so I'll post what she said here:

Dear Flu Bug,

I hate your stinkin guts.

You make me vomit. (literally)

You're scum between my toes.

The Grandy's The Hansens

1 comment:

  1. That bug was a beast. Bennett, Brady, Beau, Caitlyn (in that order) and even Kimmy and Niran all got it over the weekend. Luckily, little gus was too strong for it.
