Monday, July 8, 2013

Pregnancy Update

I made it to 37 weeks! 37 weeks is considered term. 40 is considered full term. The midwives would have had me go to the hospital if the baby was preterm, anything before 36 weeks. So now I can have this  baby at home when ever he is good and ready to come.
I was having Braxton Hicks last week. They were 10-15 minutes apart for a couple of days. Then I woke up in the middle of the night with them three minutes apart. They weren't strong enough to bring on labor.. I saw the midwives the next day around noon, I was having them two minutes apart by then. They gave me some herbs to calm things down a bit so that I could go a little farther in this pregnancy. They also told me to rest a little more until I reached 37 weeks. I took the herbs that day and the next. I still have Braxton Hick but they aren't as close together.
I am so excited for this little one to come and just keep reminding myself to be patient.  I know he'll come when he is good and ready. I still could go three to five more weeks. I'll take other herbs to help my body prepare for labor probably in the next week.
I feel prepared and ready. I have read and reread Ina May's "Guide to Childbirth" and I feel mentally prepared. I feel like I have prepared well physically by exercising regularly and eating healthy. This pregnancy has some how been the easiest of all my pregnancies. I consider myself very blessed that my midwives were willing to take on a V-BAC even when they don't normally do so. They have been so helpful and nurturing. It has made all the difference to me.


  1. It's clear you've been keeping fit and healthy - look at those arms! And you look great! I hope it all goes smoothly. I can't wait to read/hear about it.

  2. Jana: She does have nice arms, doesn't she?

    Rachel: Great arms honey. Keep it up.
