Friday, July 23, 2010

Grad School

Grad school has been on our minds for months.If you click on the image you will be able to see the little flags representing the grad schools Talmage is interested in. He made this map especially for me, aren't I a lucky girl!

Here is his list, it may change, but for now it is what it is:

Top Ten Schools and Degrees in Order of Preference (more or less)
  1. George Mason University - M.S. in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
  2. Virginia Tech - M.S. in Civil Infrastructure Engineering
  3. University of North Carolina - Public Works Engineering & Administration
  4. Arizona State University - M.S. in CE or Sustainability
  5. University of Texas at Arlington - MS or M.Engr in CE with an infrastructure systems research focus.
  6. Stanford - M.S. in CEE: Sustainable Design and Construction (SDC)
  7. University of Maryland - M.S. in CE in Civil systems
  8. St. Louis University - Masters of Engineering in Sustainable Infrastructure Design
  9. Notre Dame University - M.S. in Civil Engineering
  10. University of Wisconsin - Masters of CE with a focus in Engineering & City Planning
Any Others????

Let me in, pleeeeeeeease.

So I changed my email, which changed my blog ID and now I can't get into all the privatized blogs I was a member of. Pretty, pretty please let me in.

Two Peas in a Pod

For the last three nights they have been sleeping in Hannah's bed. We love peaking in on them and watching them sleep. It is even cuter to see them end up in the same bed. It's moments like this that make life so wonderful.

And the Little One Said "Roll Over"

My niece Dana said...

Do they ever roll off the bed??? Those are rich beds!!!!!!!

The answer is yes. Doesn't both the beds side by side look so cute and twin-like? But it didn't work for Hebs. His bed is the far one and is easy to roll off of. I had to either spend twenty bucks on a rail for him or move his bed against the wall.
In the end moving it was the most practical to me. So here ya go. I like it and it seems to open their room up.

Is toilet water drinkable?

This is the first question I got in our All Ears Comment Area.

See side bar

I am so giddy with excitement! Comment person, probably Kimball, you just made my day!
OK, on to answering the question. I found a little info on bacteria and toilets:

Bacteria such as E. Coli that reside inside the toilet pose a greater risk than bacteria found on the surface of a toilet seat. Bacteria from the inside of the toilet pose the greatest risk when the toilet is flushed as they are present in the water that sprays out, and can be easily inhaled. Bacteria is also found underneath the toilet seat.

Toilet water is drinkable. Hans and Hebs have proven this. Should you drink it, I'm going to say NO.
Now lets play a game, who can spot one of Hebs favorite "toys". I'll give you a hint, I always have to keep my bathroom door shut because of it and the thought that he likes getting it any chance he can should gross you out.

If you want to make a comment or have a question, and make my day too, I'm
All Ears.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Twin's Twin Beds

Heber and Hannah have moved from cribs to twin beds. I like it because we can read to them easier before they go to be. I also like it because they wake up in the morning and go to playing and don't need me to get them out of bed. That means I get to sleep in almost everyday til seven or so.The white head boards actually where one bed that had I when I was single. The foot boards came from a bed I found on craigslist for $20 cold, hard cash. The rails on each are a mix-match combination of the two beds.


I had an ultra sound, once again they're absolutely sure that there is just one baby. I am about 14 weeks along now and my official due date is January 14. My next ultrasound is in 6 weeks and that's when we are going to find out the gender if we haven't already (see pic below).The ultrasound made me more baby hungry. Watching the little one in me was truly amazing.