I prepared so much for birth that I forgot how much work recovery took. I think I just assumed I would be back to my normal self in a day or two. The hardest part is not being able to do everything that I am use to doings—like not being able to care of Heber, Hannah and Olive. Also not being able to cook and clean. And not being able to really move about freely. It's hard to be lazy because you can't take a break.
The timing was perfect. The same morning my parents left was when Talmage's parents arrived. One midwife was so impress that after 27 grandchildren they still make it a point to fly half way across the country and help us. The have been nothing short of amazing taking care of the three older kids, making meals, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. I feel like I have been able to concentrate on recovering and nurturing Baby Dewey because of them. They really have helped this first week of recovery.
And finally, my night in shining armor. I have been so grateful for the help of Talmage. He has been nursing my back to health, bathroom breaks, keeping me fed and hydrated and all. He has been a huge mental support to me, keeping me laughing and happy. I feel like the spirit of the man in this film really portrays the sweetness Talmage has had when caring for me.