Thursday, August 5, 2010

Coming Soon!!!

So this Friday is my last day of school. Then no more classes for my bachelors degree!!! I am SO excited!!!So to celebrate, I decided to treat yall with two posts a day, starting this coming Monday and ending Friday. I know your just bursting with excitement

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Evening Routine

Q: I'd like you to describe your typical day.
    • Make dinner
    • Play/entertain kids anything to distract them from wanting to eat and dirtying the house.
    • Coloring time, puppets, tea time, their baby reading movie, etc.
    6:00- Til End of Day
    • Talmage comes home, the highlight of our day!
    • Eat dinner
    • Clean up
    • Hang out as a family if nothing else is going on.
    • Occasionally exercise
    • Swimming
    • Mondays - FHE
    • Tuesday & Wednesday - These are the days Talmage does ward missionary stuff, which means I stay home and do homework, browse internet or clean.
    • Thursday - Baseball, but not all the time
    • Fridays - Date night - which normally consist of watching a movie at home on our computer

    Midday Routine

    Q: I'd like you to describe your typical day.

    11:30 to 1:30
    • Kids sleep.
    • Homework, homework, homework
    • Browse the computer
    • Paint, best time to paint. It is hard to stop what I am doing, clean my hands and tend to their needs, plus they will get to anything I put down.
    1:30 to 3:30
    • If I wasn't smart enough to run errands in the morning, I do it during this time, which is normally what happens. I almost always do the grocery shopping, etc. when Talmage is gone, I would rather spend time with Talmage then go when he is home, even if it means dealing with whinny kids.
    • Clean and listen to conference or Book of Mormon, if I didn't get to earlier.
    • Visit friends
    • Work on projects.
    • Occasionally exercise. When it was cooler I use to walk/ride bike to do majority of errands, I still do but not near as often. I also did clogging on Tuesdays but they stopped for summer too. I try to yoga and stuff like that at home but not consistent

    Monday, July 26, 2010

    Morning Routine

    Q: I'd like you to describe your typical day.
    A: I broke this question into three posts to make it short and sweet and to the point. So here is my morning routine for ya.

    7:00 wake up with the kids

    • Kids eat breakfast.
    • I sit at the table and drink something cold (normally water but on occasion OJ or cranberry juice). Unless Talmage is home then I eat breakfast with all of them. But during the week days I don't see him until he comes home in the evening.
    • If they aren't grumpy when they wake up, I'll get dressed while they are playing.
    • Clean something that they can't undo (dishes, laundry, etc.)
    • Or I'll sit on the couch, read something or watch the Morning Show.
    • When they are done eating, I generally let them play in their little kiddy pool on the back porch. It is my lazy way of getting them all clean from breakfast and they like it.
    • Sometimes I'll put on Animal Atlas, a kids TV show. I feel like we both can learn from it, it has real animals which they love and it doesn't seem like one those cartoons that melt their brains.
    8:30 to 10:00

    • I'll grab something light to eat, I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I haven't been digging it lately, especially in my first trimester (which I am now out of, no more bad morning sickness!!! Wishful thinking, I still have morning sickness.)
    • Clean and listen to conference or Book of Mormon. The kids generally play during this time.
    • Read, if they will let me, they normally want to take my book.
    • Maybe get on the computer, big maybe. (I try not to get on it with the kids around because first they sit on my lap, then they want to touch the keyboard/mouse, then they want to crawl on the desk... basically if you give a mouse a cookie...).
    • Do homework.
    • Take kids to park if it is cool enough
    • If I am smart I run errands because it is cooler than outside and I love how friendly and welcoming stores are during this time
    10:30 to 11:30

    • Feed kids lunch and eat something more substantial.
    • Put the kids down for their nap

    Friday, July 23, 2010

    Grad School

    Grad school has been on our minds for months.If you click on the image you will be able to see the little flags representing the grad schools Talmage is interested in. He made this map especially for me, aren't I a lucky girl!

    Here is his list, it may change, but for now it is what it is:

    Top Ten Schools and Degrees in Order of Preference (more or less)
    1. George Mason University - M.S. in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
    2. Virginia Tech - M.S. in Civil Infrastructure Engineering
    3. University of North Carolina - Public Works Engineering & Administration
    4. Arizona State University - M.S. in CE or Sustainability
    5. University of Texas at Arlington - MS or M.Engr in CE with an infrastructure systems research focus.
    6. Stanford - M.S. in CEE: Sustainable Design and Construction (SDC)
    7. University of Maryland - M.S. in CE in Civil systems
    8. St. Louis University - Masters of Engineering in Sustainable Infrastructure Design
    9. Notre Dame University - M.S. in Civil Engineering
    10. University of Wisconsin - Masters of CE with a focus in Engineering & City Planning
    Any Others????

    Let me in, pleeeeeeeease.

    So I changed my email, which changed my blog ID and now I can't get into all the privatized blogs I was a member of. Pretty, pretty please let me in.

    Two Peas in a Pod

    For the last three nights they have been sleeping in Hannah's bed. We love peaking in on them and watching them sleep. It is even cuter to see them end up in the same bed. It's moments like this that make life so wonderful.