Thursday, February 13, 2014

Banana Massacre Results

They had some of the bananas for breakfast. We froze the rest and made "ice cream" with them. There are still a few more left. They sweetly attempted to make me a salad with avocados (you can see some rolling around on the floor). I finished making the salad they started and ate it for breakfast.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Banana Massacre of 2014

I sleep in today for the first time in a while, well kind of. Actually I just stayed in my bed while they came to me with their problems. I solved big dilemmas such as;
"Sorry that is not your shirt anymore, it is too small on you. ...I know it is your favorite."
Or “Yes, I understand that you don't like the princess movie Heber. ...Yes, it is pretty girly. ...That's ok because it is not time to watch a movie."
Or "I'm sorry Hannah bit you, come cuddle by me."
So after I finally got up, this is what I found in the kitchen. Haha! That what happens when I sleep (or hope to sleep) on the job.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Olive: "When I grow up will you marry me?"
Heber: "No, I can't marry my sister... How about I had the Annie and you marry Rulan"
Olive: "And who will Hannah marry?"
Heber: "Julian... or maybe Roman." (Both their cousins on the Hansen side.)

Sick Dewey

Dewey had a fever today. Not very high. It is going down a little. I love how lethargic and cuddly he is.


Heber and Hannah made these little creatures. Hannahs is the little guy with tge long head. Hebers is the one with tge cherry tomato body thats "walking through the forest".


I love my sister Angel. She flew home Saturday night. I fill blessed to have her here for a month. I feel like it came together perfectly, like God orchestrated it. We had such a great time. She has made the first month of Talmage being gone breeze by a lot more smoothly than when I'm all alone. I do NOT know how my SIL, Nikki, does it when Caleb is deployed for months on end. I can tell it is hard. And when I get a taste of what she went through I respect her even more.
Angel and I both realized how relatable we are to each other. We drove the kids nuts with our chattings. And stayed up too late talking. I feel like I can be deep and real with her. Are conversations were silly some times but kept returning back to deeper stuff like life and spiritual stuff. I am SO thankful for my little sister, who is not my little sister anymore, but my equal. I love her.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hebe's New Toys

Heber finally spent the four dollars he got at his birthday. He hit up the dollar store. He wanted to show off his loot.