Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cute Chipmunk

No these are not fat pictures and that is not a fat joke! So I'm not wise anymore cause I got my wisdom teeth pulled out this last Monday. All four of them. Yay for eating mushy foods!
I know these pictures of me are amazing, don't be jealous of my beautiful chubby cheeks.
Talmage tried to encourage me to go under instead of doing local anesthetic. I am glad that I got local anesthetics because I got to experience it all. It was interesting hearing that crackly noise when the dentist pulled them out. Plus it was fun talking with the dentist and assistants, well listening to them for the last half or more.

I was going to go to Angel's eighth grade graduation and spend sometime with friends from Prescott but I wasn't feeling up to it. I love you Angel and Congratulations! Plus if I went everyone would have laughed at me because I look like a lopsided chipmunk and I mumble cause I can't open my mouth much cause it is so swollen.

Talmage has been a huge help with the babies and helping me. I am so thankful for him and his sweetness. He's amazing.