Wednesday, September 2, 2009

eat or sleep

Heber and Hannah generally take naps around the same time. Today was an exception. Hannah was tired, I could tell by her fussiness and didn't want to drink her milk. Heber although tired would rather drink his bottle instead of napping.
So here is my question:
If you were worn out would you choose eating over sleeping or sleeping over eating?


  1. Niran takes Heber stance. He can be super tired, but he will always happily take his bottle instead of sleeping.

    As for me it would depend on how hungry I was. Tummy growling, I need my food first, but generally I would be very happy to take a nap!

  2. OK, what handicapp thing are you talking about on my comment section? The part where you have to type the word??? I'll take it off if that's what you mean, anything for you Rachel :D
