Monday, September 2, 2013

Seasons of Life

I have been recently reminded how thin and close the veil is that separates our world from the spirit world. The birth of our son Dewey and the passing through the veil of my Father were both beautiful, difficult and profound experiences for me. At the birth of Dewey I felt the presence of angels and the strength and comfort of Christ. The morning of the day my father passed on, I had the impression that he would pass away soon. I had a strong reassurance that everything was ok and that this was all how it should be. That day and the following day I felt his presence strongly.
These two beautiful events happened so closely and reminded me how short life is. That this life was meant to be enjoyed and to learn and grow and then we move on. We move on but not as far on as some might think because there is really so little that separates us.
It was so wonderful that my father was able to see his last grandchild for the first and last time in this life. I am absolutely sure that he will see his grandchildren (those present and yet to be born) while he is in spirit form. I am grateful to have spent two weeks with him before his passing. I think that was a tender, kind gift Heavenly Father planned for me.
I am thankful for the gospel in my life. I feel like it has helped me to have the perspective I needed to experience the beauty of these spiritual experiences. I am thankful for My Savior and My Father in Heaven and their sweetness in helping me be able to witness their hand in these tender experiences.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful post Rachel- what a blessing that he was able to stay with you before he passed on! Love you guys.
