Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Prego Update

So, it is about three o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep. Maybe it is my body practicing for the sleepless nights to come. This happened two nights ago. I was up from 2 until 6.
Anyways, now you get to hear all about my day. I went to the doctors and had an ultrasound. This little girl is BIG. She is about eight and a half pounds. I also have a lot of fluid in me. The huge belly is making more sense. The best news of all is that she is head down!!! Yay!
I have been thinking to Olive trying to tell her to turn. I have also been praying to Heavenly Father that she would turn. I had a similar experience with Hannah and both times a miracle has occurred. I am so thankful.
If I don't go into labor this weekend or sometime early next week they want to induce me because of her size and also because so much amniotic fluid might cause the umbilical cord to come out before the baby if my water breaks unexpectedly. The baby pressing up against the umbilical cord could cut of blood circulation. Then she went on to explain what to do in that situation.
Talmage has Air Force this weekend and we were planning on me going with him but we just found out that he is sharing a room and I will not be able to come. It would have been nice because I would have been on base and he could be there at a moment's notice. We still haven't come up with a solid plan B yet. I feel a little anxious about all of this but I'm sure we'll figure out something.
Also, my sister is getting married this weekend. Part of the reason they are waiting to induce me. The wedding is tomorrow and the reception is Saturday. I spent all of today decorating for the reception. "You might as well do something while you're doing nothing." ~ Uncle Rico
I thought I would be exhausted, I was for awhile until I woke up around one thirty.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Prego Update

Still no baby. Amanda, my sister, is getting married this weekend. Talmage also has Air Force this weekend. So if I can hold out until Monday... either way I am going to have a baby sometime in the near future. How near though?
Ultrasound tomorrow, we'll see if she is transverse or not.
I'll be 39 weeks Friday. The twins came so quickly. It is nice to really be waiting and anticipating longer for this little one.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So I have two weeks and five days to go. In a way I like going through the last stretch over the Holidays. It is a great distraction and time has been flying quickly.

Four Sundays ago, Dec. 12th, I went into false labor. My contractions where growing closer together. They where about 2 and a half minutes apart at one point. We started to do last minute preparations to go to the hospital. Then they started to grow further and further apart. They kept happening about fifteen minutes apart the day after. I asked my doctor about it and she said that it was common for someone who had premies their first pregnancy. Their body goes into labor around the same time they went into labor before and then their body corrects itself. She said it might happen once or twice again.
I experience something similar about a week ago. Nothing since, just regular good ol' fashion Braxton Hicks.
My doctor thinks that she might be sitting side to side. She says that is likely that she'll turn head down. I have been praying that she will. I have an ultrasound this week.
I feel pretty calm and good about whatever happens.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


So I made it through Christmas without going into labor. Yay! We spent Christmas with Talmage's family in Globe. It was fun chatting with the family, going to the park, quadding (safe and slow of course), taking care of the kiddos, opening presents, reading a book, eating delicious food, and just relaxing. I felt like I relaxed and snacked the whole time. Pregnant woman interpretation: Wonderful.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How to Write a Children's Book

Step One: Think of a Child and occasion to write it for: Heber and Hannah's Christmas present.
Step Two: Have an amazing spouse who can think up the idea with you and write all the words.
Step Three: Order some blank baby books
Step Four: Take about ten hours or so and draw some pictures to put in the book.
Step Five: Scan them into the computer, add words, graphics, etc.
Step Six:Have someone with a good eye for words edit. Thank you Jana.
Step Seven: Print on sticky paper that comes with blank books. Stick into book.

Step Eight: Bask in the joy of finishing
Step Nine: Wrap and hope that they will like it
Step Ten: Give one to them to read and keep the other one on the tallest shelf in the house as a keep sake. Save a digital version, just in case.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Card

When Heber and Hannah where born I had this great idea of combining our Christmas card with their baby announcements.
What! You don't remember that?!? Well, that is because I dropped the ball. I went through all the effort of making them but fell flat on my face when it came to printing them out and sending them. Blame it on sleep deprivation and taking care of new born baby's.
Last year I didn't even attempt a Christmas card.
I am proud to say that I did one this year though. I just sent it out to our siblings, parents and grandparents. Start off small.
We hope you are having a Merry Christmas this year!
From the Hansen Family


Talmage and I graduated together this last Friday with our degrees in General Engineering.

My primary emphasis was in Electrical Engineering and a secondary focus in Art.

Talmage's primary emphasis was in Civil Engineering and certificate in GIS (Geographic Information Science).
I thought it was going to be anticlamatic because I finished my last class this summer. In the end it was an amazing experience to graduate together. We went through it all together and it felt so good to be rewarded together.
Thank you to all those who came to support us and who have encourage and supported us through the years.