Two weeks ago my sister Lindsay came to live/have-an-extended-visit with us in Dallas. A week after that we all left for Fort Leonard Wood, MO to have a sort of vacation while I attended some Air Force training. Needless to say, I felt bad for leaving Lindsay so soon after she arrived and for so long. But the kids have missed her even more. They continuously ask about her. This morning Hannah said that we need to
Spyke her (
Spyke her? You mean
Skype? Yeah, that.).
So after a family nap today (Which I highly recommend) Hannah was imploring me to draw a picture for Aunt Lindsay in an email. I let her do her magic in MS Paint and the result was entirely her own creation.
Additionally, the letter that I had her dictate to accompany her picture was entirely her own words—word for word. It was too priceless to only share with Lindsay so I'm putting it here on our blog:
Aunt Lindsay,
I really want to go back home to play with you. And play with my pets and you. And I really want to be healthy with you and you be healthy. And I really want to go back home to say I love you! And I really want to go to the store with you in the market. And I want to do with you everything I want to do with you. I really, really love you. And thanks for the shoes you give me.
(Rachel interjecting: She didn't give you shoes.
Hannah: The gold sparkle shoes she brought me.
Rachel: Grandma gave you those shoes
Hannah: Oh.)
I like you and I like you better than my brothers and sisters and I like that you gave me angry bird treats. And I like everything you gave me and everything you do for me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
So as she's doing this Heber wakes up and wants to do the same thing. He took so long to draw his picture and I eventually had to kick him off the computer but not before finishing certain parts of the drawing for him (i.e. the 3 pink flowers and some touch up—such a perfectionist!). Everything in the picture has a meaning. In case you're wondering, the man is thinking about a star.
Aunt Lindsay,
Lindsay I think you like my picture and I think the man let you laugh that's why I think he's funny. And I think you'll like the tree. And I asked daddy to make the flowers and he didn't make the flowers like I wanted . And my daddy made them like lines.
I send this message to you, me, Heber, I send this message to you.
Heber insisted on the wording of the last line.
Of course just when I thought I was done, Olive caught wind of what we were doing and wanted in on the action. This was tough. She wanted to draw little hearts but demanded to do it on her own which she could not. So after two thrown fits this is what was made:
Aunt Lindsay,
Heart picture. A tree. A baby. I draw a heart.
I think she thought I was asking her what does she want to draw for Aunt Lindsay.
In short, we all love having Lindsay stay with us and exclusively to ourselves. She's a wonderful sister, friend and aunt.