Sunday, December 19, 2010


Talmage and I graduated together this last Friday with our degrees in General Engineering.

My primary emphasis was in Electrical Engineering and a secondary focus in Art.

Talmage's primary emphasis was in Civil Engineering and certificate in GIS (Geographic Information Science).
I thought it was going to be anticlamatic because I finished my last class this summer. In the end it was an amazing experience to graduate together. We went through it all together and it felt so good to be rewarded together.
Thank you to all those who came to support us and who have encourage and supported us through the years.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yesterday's Adventure

Yesterday as I was getting things ready for a bridal shower that I was throwing for my sister, Amanda, I had to run to the grocery store to get some things for it. I strapped Heber in his car seat and Hannah crawled to the back row of seats. I thought "No biggy, I'll run inside and get what ever it was and then come back and strap her in." I came back and tried to open the door, but it was locked. They where all locked. Hannah had locked the doors and the keys were in the car!
I panicked, horror stories of children locked in cars probably were in the back of my mind. I called Talmage and told him what was going on. I tried to coax Hannah into unlocking the door. She would put her finger on the button but not push it. I told her to open the door and she pulled on the handle, but not hard enough. When I would point to something she would just point to my finger on the window. All the while she wasn't too terrible interested.
After 15 minutes or so of trying to work with her I said a prayer. A lecture Talmage had in school on dealing with stress came to my mind. Basically if someone is under stressed or over stress their productivity weakens. I just knew that I had to wait for the right time where she was a little worried but not overwhelmed. I went back inside and started deep cleaning, something I needed to do for that night anyways.
I went and checked on them a couple times, trying to see if she would cooperate. She was more interested in
  • a permanent marker (how does she always find those!)
  • gum, she ate one and a half packets of gum
  • crackers, which she also feed to Heber
  • dumping my purse and wallet and stringing the contents all over the van
Heber was a good sport about all of it. I could tell he didn't want to be in his car seat and he whined when he saw me, but he handled it well.

Finally, after an hour and a half I got her to push the unlock button! I opened the door so fast and caught her as she was falling out of the van. I hugged her and told her that she did a good job.

Moral of the story, patience goes a long ways with kids. Or just have a spare key around, it will come in handy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

One Year Older...

Hannah and Heber turned 2! We took them to one of their favorite places, the park.
They ate cake. Yeah, a lot of cake.They didn't really understand the whole openning presents concept but they loved banging on them.
We thought Heber would love his big truck for sure but were hesitant if Hannah would love her doll. Hannah ended up liking her doll and Heber ended up liking her doll too.
We took them to a live Nativity Pageant. They loved the animals there but once the opening prayer was started they started screaming and crying like no other. We took them home, needless to say lots of cake does not make for calm toddlers.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hannah, Too Sweet For Her Own Good

Today Heber refused to throw away his diaper and so I put him in time out. When he was done, I went to have him throw away his diaper but Hannah had sweetly and quietly already done it for him.
Another time Heber was in time out, he was pretty upset and beside himself. Hannah brought him a soft blanket and a sippy cup. Kinda defeating the purpose of time out.
He continuously tries to take things from Hannah. She gets upset and as I start to scold him. She sweetly hands what ever it is to him. Too sweet for her own good.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Question: Where are the pictures of you looking so big?

So this wasn't one of those All Ears questions. Carrie asked me it in the comment room. I had Talmage take them of me last night. I probably should have fixed my hair or something, oh well that is the real me. The little appendage is Hannah.

Question: How come the "baby meter" below sometimes shows the baby right-side up and other times up-side down? Is that what really happens?

I don't think she turns that much from up to down as the "baby meter" shows. I think she was hanging out side to side on my last ultra sound. The baby meter shows how developed she is, she doesn't look like an alien as much anymore and is looking more baby like. And it tells me how far along I am, which is good because I don't really keep track and if I forget I just check it out.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Question: Do you actually want to have another baby?

Yes, I do. I know it is a little crazy especially considering that I already have two babies (ok, toddlers) running around that I would want another one but I do. This pregnancy was planned and it felt and still feels so right to have this new addition coming.
I'll admit that at times it seems daunting to be pregnant and have two other young ones. I expected it to be an easier pregnancy because I am having one instead of two. I guess I didn't consider having to chase around two and the fact that I would be this big. It also seems daunting at times looking forward to having a new born with two other littles ones.
Often when I am out in public I think of how ridiculous my situation must look to people as I am handling Heber and Hannah while being so big and pregnant.
All and all I am happy about it. When we have more I think it will be after a good four or five year span. But that is what I thought after having Heber and Hannah, we'll see.